The Forest Jen
This is something I've been knocking around for a while, and thought I would finally put it down Quite large scale, based off Thorf's 72 mile map of Skothar, The Forest Jen In the Master's map, the Jen are to the north-east of Esterhold, and then to the south-east is the "Empire of the Great Khan". When you look at the planetary map in the HW boxed set, the "Steppes of Jen" replace the "Empire of the Great Khan", and the area to the north-east of Esterhold is forested, and separated from the steppes by a mountain chain. This made me think, what if both are true? And what if the refugees from the Alphatian invasion had migrated to the forest area. And who was there before? Forest Jen When the Alphatians invaded Esterhold, some fled to the south-east steppes, but others fled to the heavily forested valley of the River Chisdiq. These Jen adopted a semi-nomadic lifestyle suitable for their new home, small clans moving their villages from one s...